Why nature matters to accountants

Nature is no longer an optional corporate social responsibility issue – it is increasingly recognised as a core strategic business management issue, and issue that accountants need to get on top of.
All businesses and their supply chains depend on nature and the benefits it provides – such as water, food and other raw materials; protection from drought, flooding, erosion, excess heat and other hazards; as well as for regulating the climate by absorbing carbon.
Yet, nature being depleted faster than ever, posing mounting physical risks to companies, capital providers, the financial system and economies. At the same time, the growing global focus on tackling the nature crisis is driving new regulations and changing the expectations of investors, consumers and other stakeholders. This creates transition risks that businesses must navigate, as well as new market opportunities for those that adapt.
Businesses that take steps to understand, manage and report on their nature-related risks and opportunities can reduce costs, unlock new avenues for growth, improve financial performance, strengthen resilience, and enhance reputation with stakeholders.
As a professional accountant, you are uniquely positioned to lead and advise your organization or clients on this critical business issue. The GAA has created this guide to help you get started.
Aimed at accountants working in business and practice, in any global region or jurisdiction, it provides tailored guidance aimed at:
- Board Members (executive and non-executive directors): Establish nature-related strategies and oversee performance.
- Senior Managers (CEOs, CFOs, COOs, finance directors, and other leadership roles): Integrate nature into strategic planning and decision-making.
- Analysts: Incorporate nature-related risks and opportunities into analysis.
- Report Preparers: Ensure accurate and complete nature-related disclosures.
- External Auditors and assurance practitioners: Assess the accuracy and transparency of nature-related information.
For each of these roles, you’ll also find five actionable steps to get started, real-world case studies showcasing best practices, and a curated list resources to further support you along the way.
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